Australian Hambly Ancestors

This file is the work of many Hambly researchers across the world whose co-operation I thank greatly. I especially thank Susan Christopher and Ruth Holroyd for their contributions of family in USA, most of whom became Hambleys when they crossed the Atlantic. Many others have helped in tracking the Hamblys in Cornwall and Australia. There could be many errors and omissions here and I would appreciate you contacting me to inform me of them. If you can add to this tree I would also be most appreciative if you would contact me. Ken Hambly. Only names shown for living unless permission given.
Updated 6 January 2010


Lanreath, Cornwall, England.

Table of Contents

bullet  Ancestors of Kenneth Lloyd Hambly
bullet  Surname List
bullet  Index of Names
bullet  Sources (Bibliography)

Contact Information

Email Send E-mail to kenhambly at (replace at with @)
Send mail to:
Ken Hambly
Shakespeare Drive
Blue Mountains

Please contact kenhambly at (change at to @)

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